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If you need to send a message to the administrator, the user, make a list,
send a report by e-mail, the easiest way to do this using the built -
function mail (). To make it work must be established:

  1. On Unix platformIU - installed and configured sendmail. If the path
    not in the environment, then you need to specify php.ini sendmail_path = / path / to / sendmail
    in the section [mail function].
  2. On the Windows platform - have a SMTP server. Its parameters must be specified in
    php.ini section [mail function]:

    SMTP =

    sendmail_from =

The function is called as
<font color="#0000CC"> mail </ font> <font color="#006600"> (</ font> <font color = "# CC0000 "> whom </ font>, <font color="#CC0000"> Theme </ font>, <font color="#CC0000"> body </ font>, [<font color="#CC0000"> additional
headers </ font>, [<font color="#CC0000"> parameters </ font>]] <font color = "# 006600 ">)</ font>

All you need to do - it is right to establish all the string parameters.

  1. To (copy and Bcc specified additional headers):

    • John Smith<>
    • John Smith <>, Ivan Pupkin <>
    • Theme - a text without newline characters
    • The body - any text, including HTML or MIME
    • Headers - here you can use these headers: From: Cc: Bcc: MIME-Version:
      Content-type: Reply-To: X-Mailer: X-Priority: Date: Content-Transfer-Encoding:

      • From - From: "" or "Ivan Pupkin <>"
      • Cc - Cc: as well as "who"
      • Bcc - Bcc: as well as "Who" works only on
        Reply-To - if you need to substitute the recipient's response, other than the sender
      • X-Priority - the importance of the message (default 3)

      Titles are separated by <font color="#0000CC"> \ r \ n </ font> (on Unix, you can
      only the <font color = & quot; # 0000CC "> \ n </ font>)

If a letter is sent in HTML format, you must set the following
2 lines in the headlines: <br>
<blockquote> MIME-Version: 1.0 \ r \ n; <br>
Content-Type: text / html; charset = & quot; windows-1251 "</ blockquote>

I want to send a letter to attachmentom (s) (such as HTML with images)

You need to use MIME (RFC1896,45.html "> RFC2045,
RFC2046, RFC2047,
RFC2048, RFC2049).
To do thisinitially take the file in a variable and encode it in a safe
base64 encoding using base64_encode (). In the title, you should specify:

MIME-Version: 1.0 \ r \ n <br>
Content-Type: multipart / mixed; boundary = "$ delimiter" Where $ delimiter - any line, can be random. multipart / mixed, you can replace
for multipart / alternative.
$ delimiter ="----=_ Razdelitel_Blokov_ =----"

And in the body of the message to divide the different types of data boundary ($ delimiter) and indicate their Content-Type:
<? php
$ body = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format."; <br>
$ body .= "\ r \ n \ r \ n". $ delimiter; <br>
$ body .= "Content-Type: text / plain; charset = \" windows-1251 \ "\ r \ n \ r \ n"; <br>
$ body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable "; <br>
$ body .= "Hello, Ivan! I send you as promised to the picture and summary"; <br>
$ body .= "\ r \ n \ r \ n". $ delimiter; <br>
$ body .= "Content-Type: image / jpeg; name = \" meeting.jpg \ ""; <br>
$ body .= &quot; Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 "; <br>
$ body .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = \" meeting.jpg \ "\ r \ n \ r \ n"; <br>
$ body .= base64_encode ($ file1); <br>
$ body .= "\ r \ n \ r \ n". $ delimiter; <br>
$ body .= "Content-Type:application / msword; name = \ "referat.doc \" ";
$ body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"; <br>
$ body .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = \" referat.doc \ "\ r \ n \ r \ n"; <br>
$ body .= base64_encode ($ file2); <br> <br /> $ body .= "\ r \ n \ r \ n". $ delimiter;

How to send e-mail
If you need to send a message to the administrator, the user, make a list, send your report by e-mail, the easiest way to do this with the help of embedded mail ()...
Lock files
"Warning! On most operation systems flock () is implemented at the process level. When using a multithreaded server API like ISAPI you cannot rely on flock () to protect files against other PHP scripts running in parallel threads of the same server instance!"
Lock files
"Warning! On most operation systems flock () is implemented at the process level. When using a multithreaded server API like ISAPI you cannot rely on flock () to protect files against other PHP scripts running in parallel threads of the same server instance!"